Update: A newer version of Protovis-GWT has been released. Please see the wiki page for the latest information on Protovis-GWT.
Protovis-GWT is an open source GWT data visualization module. The goal of Protovis-GWT is to make the Protovis JavaScript visualization API available in GWT by wrapping the original JavaScript code using JSNI.
Protovis-GWT supports a wide range of visualizations (Area chart, bar chart, pie chart, line chart, stacked charts, treemap, sunburst, icicle diagram, dendrogram, force-directed graph, arc diagram, matrix diagram, box-and-whisker plot, streamgraph, bullet chart, candlestick chart). It implements the complete API of the basic Protovis Mark classes (Mark, Area, Bar, Dot, Label, Line, Wedge) and enables you to create custom visualizations in GWT, similar to the ones you can create with the Protovis library in JavaScript.
In Protovis-GWT 0.4, support for network visualizations (Arc diagram, Force-directed graphs, Matrix diagrams) was added. Several classes were moved into the PV class to align the syntax closer to the original Protovis syntax. A stable sort implementation was added to JsArrayGeneric, and various other API improvements were made.
More information on Protovis-GWT: