29 May 2008

Configuring Eclipse for Writing Papers

I used to write my papers in Latex using Kile (a KDE Latex IDE) - but several limitations like having to use external tools for versioning, missing integrated literature management and limited extendibility made me look for an alternative solution.

Being an Eclipse user & RCP developer, I immediately though of customizing Eclipse for writing scientific publications aka papers. Here is a short description of the configuration I currently use:

Programs / Plugins
- Eclipse 3.4 as baseline
- TexClipse for writing Latex
- EclipseWiki for writing notes on read literature using a wiki style in the workspace
- A local Subversion server for versioning my changes
- Subversive for connecting to subversion

General Configuration
- file association (under Preferences) *.bib to my favorite bibliography tool (KBibTex)
- file association *.pdf to preferred PDF viewer
- Wiki settings to use TWiki (Preferences/Wiki/Rendering) for historical reasons

Subversion / Workspace layout
- no trunk/branches/tags, just plain project name (I believe that this is not necessary because typical publications do not require branching etc. as far as I see it)
- for each publication I write, I have a separate project, e.g. paper_conferenceA_2008
- there is a bibliography project with the bibliography.bib file used by all projects (by \bibliography{../bibliography/bibliography} - when I finish a paper I copy the current bibliography to that project and change the reference to the copy (to it from breaking in the future))
- in the bibliography project, I have a literature folder containing .wiki (notes) and .pdf (paper itself) files for the papers I read. That way, I can search my notes and find the papers. The name for both is firstauthorname_yearX, X being a,b,c... depending on the number of publications from that author in that year.

Project configuration
- Latex Project Properties/temporary files directory: tmp (excluded in subversion)
- output as DVI

The advantages of using such a configuration are:
- if you are used to Eclipse, you can rely on this knowledge (e.g. shortcuts)
- integrated versioning support
- notes, papers, and bibliography at one place
- opportunity to develop additional tooling (visualizations, search, etc.)
- mostly platform independent

I might have missed some details of my configuration - if you notice something not quite working or unclear, please comment on this post.


Sean Falconer said...

eclipse has inline spellcheck now too, which Kile does not support.

Adrian said...

somehow i think eclipse is a little heavy weight if you just fire it up to tex. but yeah great howto.